Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Designer iPod Cases: Why Not?

Designer iPod Cases: Why Not?

Everyone is different, so everyone does not want to be carrying around cookie-cutter iPods. When designer cases for cell phones became extremely popular – even to the point where street venders sold them in push carts – it was inevitable that designer iPod cases would be next. They are shaped like cell phones, after all. It makes you wonder where the designer digital calculator cases were in the early 1980's.

Fantastic And Functional

One of the reasons why designer cases for early model digital calculators never hit the market is because they weren't needed. The calculators were surprisingly tough. They could rattle around in backpacks, survived being dropped and aged well. Unfortunately, iPods are not that tough. If you cough on them repeatedly, they break.

Alright, that was an admitted exaggeration, but in comparison to calculators, early cassette tape Walkmans and transistor radios, iPods are wimps. They scratch easy, as well. But then again, iPods can do jaw-dropping things that were thought of only as fantasy in the early 1980's – or even in the early 1990's, come to think of it. You need to help your iPod from the cruel world by putting it in a designer iPod case.

Security Issues

One of the most popular designer iPod case is the clear case. It looks like a miniature pale shield around your iPod. However, iPods are magnets for thieves. Some people prefer making their iPods a little less obvious by hiding them in very clever designer iPod cases. Some of them make the iPod look like a tiny leather case, or a date book.

However, most designer iPod cases to look like there's some sort of little expensive gizmo in there, no matter what color, pattern or material is used. Although designer iPod cases are great at protecting your iPods from the knocks and pings of life, they aren't very good at protecting from thieves.

Treat your iPod like a wad of cash – because that's what it is to a potential thief. Keep bodily contact with it at all times. Never leaving sitting out on your car seat on your desk at work. If you are going into a strange situation – like riding the subway at a later time than you normally would – keep the iPod hidden so your senses are free to pick up on the slightest potential threat. A designer iPod cover can remind you to take care of your very expensive iPod and the music inside of it.


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